Epilepsy is a brain disease that is often found, and is still a medical problem that is quite worrying for society. However, there are still many people who misunderstand this disease, which is also known as epilepsy. Among ordinary people, especially in developing countries, there is still a stigma regarding epilepsy, including that it is considered a disease caused by curses, witchcraft, possession, mental disorders, and is considered a disease that can be transmitted through saliva. This has a negative effect on service efforts for people with epilepsy. Although generally this disease can be treated; Research data finds that 55-68% of cases successfully show clinical improvement over a fairly long period of treatment.

Getting to Know Epilepsy

Epilepsy is defined as a condition characterized by recurrent epileptic seizures occurring more than 24 hours apart without provocation. Meanwhile, what is meant by epileptic seizures is a clinical manifestation caused by abnormal and excessive brain electrical activity in a group of brain cells. This clinical manifestation occurs suddenly and is only temporary in the form of stereotypic changes in behavior, which can include motor disorders, sensory, autonomic, psychological disorders or even disorders of consciousness. In general, the public knows it as repeated seizures with or without causing impaired consciousness.

All kinds of disorders and abnormal activity in the brain’s nerve cells can trigger seizures. Excessive electrical activity in the brain that affects how the brain works will cause seizures. Seizures that occur when people have a high fever or concussion are not seen as symptoms of epilepsy. However, if a person experiences two or more such events without a trigger, the condition is considered epilepsy.


The International League Against Epilepsy identifies four types of epilepsy, namely :

  • Focal epilepsy: seizures originating from one side of the brain
  • Generalized epilepsy: seizures start on both sides of the brain
  • Combined generalized and focal epilepsy: this condition includes both focal and generalized seizures
  • Unknown generalized or focal epilepsy: the cause of the seizure cannot be known with certainty

Epilepsy most often occurs in childhood. In more than half of cases of children with epilepsy, seizures can be controlled with anti-seizure medication.

Symptoms of Epilepsy

The signs and symptoms of epilepsy can be different for each person, but the main thing is the occurrence of seizures. However, not all seizures are characterized by uncontrollable body swaying. Seizures can also occur for only a few seconds and then disappear.

Other symptoms include:

  • Eyes blink rapidly
  • Looks confused
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • The body goes limp until it fall
  • Difficulty speaking

 Treating Epilepsy

Treatment of epilepsy patients includes administering medication, using medical equipment, lifestyle changes, and surgery. The goal of this treatment is to prevent seizures from coming again, avoid side effects, and help patients lead active lives. When someone is first diagnosed with epilepsy, the doctor will generally immediately prescribe medication to control the symptoms

If treatment is not effective, other options for treating epilepsy include:

  • Installation of a small device inside the body to control seizures
  • Implementation of a special diet to help control seizures
  • Surgery to remove a small part of the brain that causes seizures
  • Some patients require lifelong treatment. But if seizures have not appeared within a certain time, treatment can be stopped according to the doctor’s instructions.


  • Genetically related epilepsy cannot be prevented. But other risk factors can be controlled, for example by:Prevent brain injuries by implementing safety standards in various activities, especially sports and driving
  • Seek immediate medical treatment if you experience a head injury
  • Maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels through adopting a healthy and active lifestyle
  • Undergo immunizations according to doctor’s recommendations
  • Implement health protocols to prevent infection
  • Maintain pregnancy by paying attention to food intake and undergoing regular check-ups

When Should You See a Doctor?

In general, people who experience seizures should immediately go to the doctor for an examination. Especially if the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes and occurs frequently. Examination is needed to identify whether the cause of the seizure is epilepsy or another condition so that appropriate treatment steps can be determined.


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