Category: health

Jakarta – Batuk sering dianggap sebagai penyakit ringan yang bisa diatasi dengan mudah menggunakan obat bebas atau bahan alami. Namun, batuk yang terus berlanjut dan disertai gejala-gejala tertentu harus segera diwaspadai, karena bisa jadi merupakan tanda dari masalah kesehatan yang lebih serius.
Jakarta – Batuk sering dianggap sebagai penyakit ringan yang bisa diatasi dengan mudah menggunakan obat bebas atau bahan alami. Namun, batuk yang terus berlanjut dan disertai gejala-gejala tertentu harus segera diwaspadai, karena bisa jadi merupakan tanda dari masalah kesehatan yang lebih serius. Batuk Ringan vs Batuk yang Perlu Penanganan Menurut dr. Ika Trisnawati, SpPD-KP, M.Sc, […]
Pengobatan sendiri ialah upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengobati diri sendiri dengan menggunakan obat, obat tradisional atau cara lain tanpa nasihat/melibatkan tenaga medis. Di indonesia sendiri masyarakat cenderung membeli obat warung tanpa resep dokter dari pada membeli di apotik/toko obat. Apa itu obat warung? Obat ini sesuai dengan namanya tersedia secara bebas di warung. Dalam istilah […]
Brain Abscess
A brain abscess is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when a collection of pus forms in the brain due to an infection. This can be caused by bacteria, fungi, or parasites and usually arises when an infection elsewhere in the body spreads to the brain. Understanding the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment […]
Anal Abscess
Anal Abscess – An anal abscess is a pus-filled lump that forms in the anus. This condition usually occurs due to a bacterial infection in the anal area. An anal abscess causes pain, especially when sitting or having a bowel movement. An anal abscess is usually characterized by a small, reddish lump in the anal canal . […]
Fatty Substances Accumulation, Beware of Gaucher Disease
Fatty Substances Accumulation, Beware of Gaucher Disease – Jakarta – Gaucher disease is a rare disease that occurs due to the accumulation of fatty substances in certain organs of the body, especially the spleen and liver. This accumulation of fat causes the organs to enlarge and affects organ function. An unhealthy lifestyle and diet can cause fat […]
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term inflammation of the lungs. COPD is generally characterized by difficulty breathing, coughing up phlegm, and wheezing. COPD is a disease that often occurs in active and passive smokers. The two conditions that most often develop into COPD are  chronic bronchitis and  emphysema . In chronic bronchitis, […]
Dysuria? Here's an Easy Way to Deal With It
Dysuria? Here’s an Easy Way to Deal With It  – Dysuria , medically called dysuria, is a disorder in the form of pain or burning during or after urination. This complaint is usually felt by people who have problems with the urinary tract. There are several diseases that can cause symptoms of frequent urination , including urinary tract infections, bladder infections, […]
Definition of TB (Tuberculosis)
Definition of TB (Tuberculosis) – Tuberculosis (TBC) or TB is a contagious disease caused by bacterial infection. TB generally attacks the lungs, but can also attack other body organs, such as the kidneys, spine, and brain. According to the WHO, as many as 1.5 million people died from TB disease in 2020. This disease is the […]
Learn the Causes of Worms and How to Prevent Them
Learn the Causes of Worms and How to Prevent Them – Worm disease can not only be experienced by children, but also by adults. This disease occurs more in people who live in an environment with poor sanitation or do not live a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS). Worms can sometimes cause no symptoms at […]
Understanding Hair Loss
Understanding Hair Loss – Hair loss is the excessive shedding of hair. This condition can result in thinning hair or baldness, either temporarily or permanently. Hair loss can also occur gradually or suddenly. The normal number of hair is around 100,000 strands, and will fall out or fall out around 50-100 strands every day. This […]