Fatty Substances Accumulation, Beware of Gaucher Disease

Fatty Substances Accumulation, Beware of Gaucher Disease

Fatty Substances Accumulation, Beware of Gaucher Disease – Jakarta – Gaucher disease is a rare disease that occurs due to the accumulation of fatty substances in certain organs of the body, especially the spleen and liver. This accumulation of fat causes the organs to enlarge and affects organ function. An unhealthy lifestyle and diet can cause fat deposits. For fat deposits, be careful with Gaucher disease.

In addition to the liver and spleen, the fatty substances that cause Gaucher’s disease can also accumulate in bone tissue. This causes bones to become weak and increases the risk of fractures. If the bone marrow is affected, the blood’s ability to clot is also impaired.

  • Type 1, the most common type, causes an enlarged liver and spleen, bone pain and fractures. It sometimes causes problems with the lungs and kidneys but does not affect the brain. It can occur at any age.
  • Type 2, which causes serious brain damage, occurs in infants. Children with this condition usually die before the age of 2.
  • Type 3, there may be swelling of the liver and spleen, and the brain is affected gradually. This condition begins in childhood or adolescence.

This rare disease cannot be cured. However, treatment can be done with drugs and enzyme replacement therapy. Unfortunately, this treatment is not effective for the type of Gaucher disease with brain damage.

What are the signs and symptoms of this disease? The signs and symptoms vary widely. Some don’t even have any symptoms. In general, we can recognize this disease from the following levels of problems.

  • The abdomen feels sore because the liver and spleen are dramatically enlarged.
  • Bone abnormalities due to Gaucher’s disease weaken bones, increase the risk of fractures, disrupt the blood supply to the bones and cause parts of the bone to die.
  • Gaucher disease attacks the cells that help blood clot, causing sufferers to bruise easily and have nosebleeds. The disease also makes sufferers easily tired due to a reduction in red blood cells.

Although rare, this disease can attack the brain, causing abnormal eye movements, muscle stiffness, difficulty swallowing, and seizures.

For this rare disease, if you find similar symptoms, immediately contact a doctor for treatment. Information about how this disease works can also be asked to expert doctors on the phinxpacific application via voice/video call and chat. At phinxpacific , you can also buy medicines and vitamins that will be delivered directly to your destination within one hour.

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