6 Causes of Bloated Stomach and Steps to Overcome It

6 Causes of Bloated Stomach and Steps to Overcome It

6 Causes of Bloated Stomach and Steps to Overcome It – The cause of a bloated stomach is often associated with fat accumulation. Although not directly fatal, excess fat in the abdomen can increase the risk of diabetes or heart disease so it must be overcome. In addition, a bloated stomach can also be caused by other medical conditions.

A distended stomach is a condition when the stomach appears large. This condition most often occurs due to the large amount of fat tissue in the abdomen. Not only that, a distended stomach can also be caused by certain medical conditions and its handling needs to be adapted to the cause.

Various Causes of Bloated Stomach

The following are a number of things that can cause a bloated stomach:

1. Accumulation of fat in the abdomen

One of the main causes of a bloated stomach is the accumulation of fat in the abdomen . It is this accumulation of fat that ultimately makes the stomach look big. Compared to women, adult men tend to experience it more often.

Accumulation of fat in the abdomen can occur due to infrequent exercise and consumption of unhealthy foods, such as foods high in calories, fat, and sugar. In addition, often consuming packaged drinks or alcoholic beverages can also trigger fat accumulation.

2. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can also cause a bloated stomach in women. This is because when pregnant, the uterus located in the lower abdomen will grow due to the presence of the fetus. In fact, the size of the uterus can grow to the size of a watermelon.

However, belly enlargement due to pregnancy is indeed a natural condition. If your belly is bulging along with other pregnancy symptoms , you can check yourself with a doctor to determine pregnancy.

3. Gas accumulation

Accumulation of excess gas in the stomach can make the stomach grow and feel full. Excess gas in the stomach can occur as a result of digestive disorders , such as irritable bowel syndrome or food intolerance.

4. Constipation

A bloated stomach can also occur due to constipation . When experiencing this condition, feces cannot leave the body so it is retained in the large intestine. When constipation lasts for a long time, the stomach can be bulging, painful, and tense.

5. Ascites

Ascites is an accumulation of fluid between the organs located in the abdomen. When the fluid accumulates more and more, this can cause the stomach to grow and feel hard.

A distended stomach due to ascites tends to be caused by cirrhosis or quasichor, which is a condition of severe malnutrition due to a lack of protein.

6. Enlargement of organs in the stomach

Enlargement of organs in the stomach that are already severe, such as the liver or spleen, can also result in a bloated stomach. Enlargement of the liver organ can be caused by infection, fatty liver , or damage to the bile ducts.

Meanwhile, enlargement of the spleen can be caused by liver disease, blood disorders, or mononucleosis infection .

How to Overcome a Bloated Belly

Basically, a bloated stomach needs to be overcome according to the cause. When it appears due to illness, medical treatment is generally required. For example, a distended stomach due to kwasiokor requires hospital treatment so that the doctor can provide nutritional intake to the patient through infusion.

Meanwhile, if the stomach is bloated due to fat accumulation, changing the lifestyle to become healthier is usually enough to improve the condition of the stomach. Some of the lifestyle changes in question include:

  • Avoid eating fatty foods, fried foods, and foods high in sugar and salt.
  • Avoid consumption of sugary drinks and alcoholic drinks.
  • Limit consumption of simple carbohydrates, such as white bread and pastries.
  • Increase the consumption of fiber and complex carbohydrates , such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts.
  • Increase the consumption of liquids or water at least 2 liters per day.
  • Exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes every day.
  • Manage stress well, for example by doing hobbies or trying relaxation therapy.
  • Get enough sleep every day.

Those are the various causes of a bloated stomach and steps to overcome it. If the various simple ways to shrink the stomach above have been applied but have not yielded results, do not hesitate to consult a doctor to find out the cause and the right steps to overcome it.

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