5 Tips for Maintaining Body Health

The trend of positive Covid-19 cases in Indonesia has increased by 31 percent in the last few weeks. Epidemiologists say the policy of removing masks in public spaces is quite risky. Epidemiologist from Australia’s Griffith University, Dicky Budiman, said that in light of the current spike in cases, the Indonesian government should not forget that we cannot escape the global situation.

The global situation in question is the condition of Covid-19 which still has pandemic status, so the policies that can be implemented or need to be issued must be in line with the global situation and the target of controlling new cases of Covid-19 infection until the pandemic is declared truly over.

In response to the above, of course one of the things we can do to avoid this is to continue to maintain a healthy body. Apart from family, the most valuable asset is health. Imagine how much it would cost you if you got sick. Expensive isn’t it? Therefore, maintaining health is mandatory to avoid various diseases.

Living a healthy lifestyle is the basis for keeping your body fit. Moreover, until now the world is still fighting against the corona virus, even experts are still researching how to defeat this virus. What you have to do is continue to live a healthy lifestyle and follow health protocols. Here are 5 easy ways to maintain a healthy body:

Eat nutritious food. Since childhood, we have been introduced to the 4 healthy 5 perfect eating pattern. So, make sure your body always receives a balanced nutritional intake. You can consume meat, milk, eggs or fish as a source of protein, and carbohydrates from rice, potatoes, oats or whole wheat bread to give you energy. Don’t forget to always consume fruit and vegetables which contain prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals and various antioxidants.

Regular Exercise

Apart from eating nutritious food, you also need to exercise regularly to keep your body active, healthy, ideal and fit. Exercise can also prevent various diseases and reduce stress. Get into the habit of taking 20-30 minutes every day to move your body. It doesn’t need to be strenuous, you can just walk or choose another type of sport that you like.

Drink more water

Boba and modern coffee always tempt us. But, don’t forget to pay attention to your water intake too, because with sufficient water in the body, our organ functions will work optimally. Adjust your fluid needs according to your body weight and the intensity of your activities. If you do a lot of activities, of course you need to drink more water.

Manage Sleep Well

Never underestimate sleep, because the benefits are huge for your body. Sleep is the key to a strong immune system, improves memory, and can control appetite. For adults, you need to sleep at least 8 hours every day. People who sleep less than 6 hours every night are 4 times more likely to get a cold than those who get enough sleep. So, start reconsidering managing your sleep well.

Managing Stress

Have you done the four activities above well and regularly, but you still often get dizzy and have a lot on your mind? Be careful, stress can actually make you susceptible to disease. Stress has been proven to disrupt the body’s immune system. People who are stressed can release and reduce the ability of the hormone cortisol which can fight inflammation and disease.




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